PLAying with 3D Printed Pedals

When it comes to 3D printing, most are in awe when they feast their eyes on their first 3D printed object. No matter what you're laying down on a print bed, it's an amazing site to see additive manufacturing happening right on your desk. 3D printing is breeding a whole new generation of designers, creators, and tinkerers. Hoping to join this manufacturing revolution, we are taking our love of 3D printing to the streets in the form of some awesome 3D printed bike pedals. a print time of around twelve hours, prototyping these bad boys has been a somewhat long and painstaking project. Perfecting the supports, fill quantity, and axle depth has been interesting to say the least and going back to the drawing board has been routine.sbiancamento denti Though not necessarily easy, we really can't complain because the fun we have after each finished prototype is completely worth it. From running them over with cars to test strength to riding them around our favorite neighborhoods the process couldn't be any more enjoyable![caption id="attachment_147" align="aligncenter" width="3264"]
Printing another set of pedals. Let's try this again![/caption]Though not perfected yet, we are hoping to have a final pedal design complete in the very near future. The ultimate goal is a lighter, stronger, and more reliable pedal then you can get anywhere else. From racing to nice spin around town these pedals will be a personalized addition to every bikers cycle!
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