Discover how our comprehensive 3D printer programs can revolutionize accessibility and efficiency while saving your staff valuable time at your library.
Advanced Technology Specialist
"We have an amazing group of students working on solving real-world problems using these printers, as opposed to if all these machines were sitting there collecting dust"
Digital Media Engineer
"We were able to track individual users, machines and print jobs across the entire network via 3DPrinterOS."
Assistant Director for Public Services
"Work on group projects or explore the deep possibilities of the makerspace."
Senior Instructional Technologist
"Admins have a complete line of sight into who is printing what, and on which machine."
Managing Director
"You can be in your dorm room , or you can be in Africa, but as long as you have an internet connection, you can upload your file."
Advanced Technology Specialist
"We have an amazing group of students working on solving real-world problems using these printers, as opposed to if all these machines were sitting there collecting dust"
Digital Media Engineer
"We were able to track individual users, machines and print jobs across the entire network via 3DPrinterOS."
Assistant Director for Public Services
"Work on group projects or explore the deep possibilities of the makerspace."
Senior Instructional Technologist
"Admins have a complete line of sight into who is printing what, and on which machine."
Managing Director
"You can be in your dorm room , or you can be in Africa, but as long as you have an internet connection, you can upload your file."
Christopher WeberMedia Technician
"The toolpath visualization within 3DPrinterOS has dramatically increased the 3D print success rate."
Design Supervisor
"Even if they're 3D printing figurines, there's the question of support, overhangs, and curves. They're learning whether they know it or not."
Team Leader
"This close collaboration has enabled Koenigsegg to tailor the platform to their specific needs, resulting in an optimized and user-friendly system for managing their 3D printers."
Tech Specialist
"Robin’s journey with 3DPrinterOS began from a place of necessity. As a pioneering force behind Emory University's makerspace, Robin understood the imperative of finding the right tools to make 3D printing accessible and efficient for all."
Christopher WeberMedia Technician
"The toolpath visualization within 3DPrinterOS has dramatically increased the 3D print success rate."
Design Supervisor
"Even if they're 3D printing figurines, there's the question of support, overhangs, and curves. They're learning whether they know it or not."
Team Leader
"This close collaboration has enabled Koenigsegg to tailor the platform to their specific needs, resulting in an optimized and user-friendly system for managing their 3D printers."
Tech Specialist
"Robin’s journey with 3DPrinterOS began from a place of necessity. As a pioneering force behind Emory University's makerspace, Robin understood the imperative of finding the right tools to make 3D printing accessible and efficient for all."
Investing in commercial printers presents a lucrative opportunity with impressive returns. Discover how a modest initial investment of $200 to $5500 per printer can quickly pay off, especially with the rising demand. Implementing a small markup for supplies and a flat rate for print time can significantly boost your library's revenue streams.
Our revolutionary 3DPrinterOS software streamlines and semi-automates your printing workflow, empowering both libraries and users. From ensuring adequate material levels to managing complex print jobs, our software simplifies the process, making 3D printing accessible to all.
Libraries are dynamic spaces constantly seeking new ways to integrate evolving technologies. Join us in our ongoing effort to adapt and evolve by exploring innovative solutions that enhance accessibility for all patrons.
Join us today
Read customer storiesErfahren Sie mehr über 3DPrinterOS — die vertrauenswürdigste 3D-Druck-Management-Software für Hochschulen, Unternehmen und OEMs. Füllen Sie dieses Formular aus, um mit unseren Experten in Kontakt zu treten.
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Cloud Slicer und Toolpath Viewer
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Erfahren Sie mehr über 3DPrinterOS — die vertrauenswürdigste 3D-Druck-Management-Software für Hochschulen, Unternehmen und OEMs. Füllen Sie dieses Formular aus, um mit unseren Experten in Kontakt zu treten.
Verwalte den Arbeitsablauf und die Berechtigungen für deine Benutzer
Teilen Sie Dateien und 3D-Drucker mit Benutzergruppen
Steuern Sie Ihre 3D-Druckerflotte über einen Browser
Cloud Slicer und Toolpath Viewer
Buchen Sie jetzt Ihr personalisiertes Assessment und erhalten Sie Ihre kostenlose Testversion.