How does 3DPrinterOS
compare to PolarCloud -
the 3D printing software?

How does 3DPrinterOS compare to PolarCloud?

When working with a 3D printer, using various software can be very helpful. That is why a vast range of corresponding applications have been developed in the recent years. Keeping track of which software is best suited for your use is difficult. Learn how 3DPrinterOS, the 3D printer management software compares to PolarCloud.

3DPrinterOS: an all-in-one 3D printer management software

3DPrinterOS is a cloud-based operating system for managing users and 3D printers. It allows you to securely send 3D print jobs to your 3D printer via the cloud. With 3DPrinterOS you have the opportunity to control your 3D printer from your laptop, smartphone or tablet. The software is compatible with .STL, .3DS, .3MF, .AMF, .OBJ and well as, .GCODE file formats.

A 3D printing management software to control your 3D printer fleet

3DPrinterOS, gives you real-time access to all of your files and your 3D printer. You can monitor the progress of your printer at any time and Pause or Cancel the print job, if necessary. You can apply custom settings to all of the 160+ 3D printers that we support. Our 3D printer management software offers the ability to control multiple printers at the same time, while also seeing the Live View.

Polar Cloud: 3D printing cloud solution for K-12

Polarcloud, a 3D printing cloud platform, works unconventionally, placing the 3D design and 3D printing to the user's hands. Adding your printers to the Polar Cloud means users of any skill or experience level can have their design 3D Printed.

Polar Cloud: remote access and job requests system

Polar3D offers you an online platform with a full focus on 3D printing in an educational environment. The platform enables institutions to efficiently manage unlimited 3D printers, and students and lets them access their 3D printing jobs remotely.

3DPrinterOS vs. Polar3D

3DPrinterOS' operating system is equipped with countless functions for working with over a hundred different 3D printers. With our 3D printer software, the printing settings can be conveniently altered in a web interface and the process of printing can be observed with the help of connected webcams. 3DPrinterOS offers its users integrated slicers with which you can slice your objects. In addition, further plugins and features are offered, which are constantly supplemented and expanded by the respective community. A special feature of 3DPrinterOS is the user management function, which is especially helpful for Organizations. With Polar Cloud, the focus of the software is apparently more on the design of the 3D models.
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