Unlocking Creativity with 3D Printer Software: Empowering School Districts for the Future

Explore the world of 3D printing in schools with advanced 3D printer software, unleashing students' creativity and fostering innovation in the classroom.

Access for Everyone

Created to be user-friendly, 3DPrinterOS is also robust enough to run the 3D printing programs at Yale, Harvard, MIT, and many other world-class universities.

Manage 3D Prints Easily

3DPrinterOS gives IT and admins the ability to see what’s being printed, by whom, and when. It also includes powerful tools for managing prints, such as the ability to pause or cancel a print job, detect failures or charge for filament usage.

Cost Effective

3DPrinterOS reduces the cost of running a 3D printing program district wide. In the past, admins who oversee 3D printing in schools often had to track data and manage prints manually, which was time-consuming and error prone.

An all-in-one platform that drastically reduces the time required to run your 3D print program at an Educational Institution

Cloud-based platform

3DPrinterOS is a cloud-based 3D printing management platform designed to streamline the process of 3D printing for school districts. The platform enables staff to manage files, machines, and students across their district from a single interface, through the web.

Print directly from TinkerCAD

3DPrinterOS allows students to 3D print directly from TinkerCAD. 3DPrinterOS is the #1 3D printing management software for school districts that gives users the ability to quickly and easily repair designs, customize settings, slice in the cloud and send files to the queue or the 3D printer.

Standardize 3D printing

3DPrinterOS grows with your 3D printing labs. As you and your school district prove the success of your 3D printing program and increase the number of users, types of 3D printers, affected disciplines and projects.

Want to standardize 3D printing across every discipline and location?

As the technology continues to evolve, it is becoming increasingly accessible and affordable. This makes it an ideal tool for use in the STEM/STEAM
curriculum, where it provides students with a hands-on learning experience.

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