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3D Printing 101 @ BPL

Get started with 3D printing basics. Learn the essentials with 3DPrinterOS's 101 guide.
3D Printing 101 @ BPL
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Now that 2015 is in full swing, we couldn't be more excited about our newest partnership with Ultimaker who has teamed up with us at 3DPrinterOS to offer free 3D Printing classes in New York and soon to be in San Francisco.


Kicking off the year in style, we are excited to invite everyone to our next 3D Printing 101 class at Brooklyn Public Library on February 28th at 10:00am! The crew at BPL has been an amazing group to work with and it's definitely one of our favorite venues to teach at.We hope to see everyone there and if you want to more information on this class and others you can check out our meetup page here!Happy Prining!

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