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3DPrinterOS at the 3D Printshow - California

Catch 3DPrinteros at the 3D Printshow California! Experience cutting-edge innovation.
3DPrinterOS at the 3D Printshow -  California
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Come check out the team from 3DPrinterOS at 2015's final U.S. based 3D Printshow. After having a blast at the New York and London Printshows, we saved the best for last! Our  CEO John Dogru and CTO Anton Vedeshin will be both be manning the booth at the California Prinshow!  You can also check out a John as a conference guest speaker at 1pm on Friday September 11th to discuss 3D printing, one-click manufacturing, and the virtual factories of the future!


We couldn't be more excited about this weeks 3D Print Show and hope to see you there! This years event will be held less than 10 miles from downtown Las Angeles at the Pasadena Convention Center. If you need any further information regarding the venue, directions, or general event details you can visit the 3D Print Show website at you at the California 3D Print Show and in the meantime Happy Printing!

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