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Greetings from the Fab11 conference in Boston!

Discover the pivotal role of 3D printing software showcased at Fab11 in Boston. Dive into the discussions now!
Greetings from the Fab11 conference in Boston!
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Right now, Charles from 3DPrinterOS is at the Fab11 conference in Boston, MA. The Fab11 conference brings together 450 labs+ from more than 55 countries to explore the principles, applications and implications of digital fabrication. Attendees are gathered to explore how the ability to “Make (almost) Anything” is impacting individuals, communities, businesses and collaborative research and projects.We are honored to be at this years conference to discuss with attendees how our software can help fablabs and schools manage their 3d printers and users. This years hosts include: Neil Gershenfeld, Director, MIT Center for Bits and Atoms and Sherry Lassiter, MIT Center for Bits and Atoms; President, Fab Foundation.[caption id="attachment_1382" align="aligncenter" width="800"]

3D Printing Software for Fablabs

Panelists from the "How To Make Business" track at the 2015 Fab 11 Conference[/caption]As you may have noticed, 3D Printing software and hardware have changed dramatically in the past few years. It's becoming much easier to learn how 3d printing works and for anyone to have access to these machines and softwares. This increased access is linked to communities creating points of access for learning and education around 3d printing and digital manufacturing. So far the early leaders in creating this access have been educational institutions and fablabs.This years Fab11 focus will be on the incredible makers who have emerged from fab labs and digital fabrication education over the last 12+ years, who have made significant social, economic and community impact in the world and who are inventing the future. In their words, "From the White House to Google to Barcelona to Togo, these makers are changing the world around us."

FAB11 Trailer 3rd Cut-HD from Fab Lab Barcelona on Vimeo.

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