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Education and the Future of 3D Printing

The Future of Education with 3D Printing: Unleashing Creativity & Learning Opportunities!
Education and the Future of 3D Printing
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We believe that 3D Printing is going to be a huge part of the future of manufacturing. The first step in making 3D Printing widespread is a dramatic increase in education and access to the tools needed for printing. This means making 3D Printing a larger part of the curriculum and giving access to design tools, 3D Printing apps and softwares like ours.

We we’re lucky enough to host some 3rd graders from Tallinn English College and they had a blast trying out 3D Printing for the first time! The Estonian Prime Minister, Taavi Roivas, even stopped by and helped out!

[caption id="attachment_449" align="aligncenter" width="640"]

3D Printing Education

Using the integrated Yeggi search to find 3D Models[/caption][caption id="attachment_450" align="aligncenter" width="640"]

3D Printing and children

Viewing a pony through the 3D viewer[/caption][caption id="attachment_452" align="aligncenter" width="640"]

Taavi Kikas - Future of manufacturing

Taavi from our team explaining how 3D Printing works[/caption][caption id="attachment_455" align="aligncenter" width="640"]

Estonia and 3D Printing

Estonian Prime Minister Taavi Roivas stopped by to help out[/caption][caption id="attachment_453" align="aligncenter" width="640"]

Remote printing - Ultimaker 2

Watching the live view of the Ultimaker 2 heating up[/caption][caption id="attachment_454" align="aligncenter" width="640"]

How to print on the Ultimaker 2

Mesmerized by the 3D Printing process[/caption]

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