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Having Ultimaker Feeder Issues - Try this design!

Resolve Ultimaker feeder issues with this innovative design. Keep your printing process smooth and efficient.
Having Ultimaker Feeder Issues - Try this design!
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One of the great things about 3D Printing and open source design is the ability for users to come up with suggestions, hacks and modifications that can take something great and make it even better. For instance the Ultimaker 2 is an awesome 3D Printer but the feeder motor can sometimes be a bit tricky to deal with especially if you are switching between 2.85mm and 3mm filament.We printed out and tested this alternate feeder motor design found on Youmagine designer IRobertI. So far the results have been incredible. We've had dramatically reduced skipping with multiple sizes of filament and with the parts being primarily 3D Printed it's super easy to repair and replace as it wears down.[caption id="attachment_838" align="aligncenter" width="640"]

Solving Ultimaker Feeder Issues

The majority of parts are 3D Printed. We only needed to get a few 6mm machine screws.[/caption][caption id="attachment_840" align="aligncenter" width="640"]

How to fix Ultimaker Feeder Motor Problems

An improved flow of filament into the Bowden tube[/caption][caption id="attachment_839" align="aligncenter" width="640"]

Fixing Ultimaker Feeder Motor Issues

Easy to snap apart and clean the feeder motor![/caption]

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