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Hello London! 3DPrinterOS is at the 3D Printshow

Join us at 3D Printshow in London! Explore the future of 3D printing with 3DPrinterOS.
Hello London! 3DPrinterOS is at the 3D Printshow
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Today marks the start of the 3D Printshow in London. This year's venue is the Old Billingsgate and our team has just arrived in London to enjoy the lovely sights and get set up for this years show.

3D Control Systems at the London 3D Printshow

We're incredibly excited that our CTO Anton Vedeshin will be speaking at noon on the open stage. His talk, Making Ideas into Physical Objects in One Click: Why an Open 3D Printer Operating System is Needed will also include a live demo of 3DPrinterOS and some of the awesome stuff we have been working on behind the scenes.

For a full agenda of his talk and the other incredible speakers please check out the full lineup here:

We were also honored to be nominated for the Positive Change award at this years show. If you'd like to check out this years nominees (and vote for us) check out the link here:

3DPrinterOS - 3D Printshow London

This years show also includes features on how 3D Printing has influenced food, fashion and art to name just a few. We're really interested in seeing the music room in person where people will be able to interact firsthand with 3D Printing applications in music and sound. These shows are always exceptional because it's a chance for everyone to see the innovative things happening all across the world of 3D Printing.

If your at the event please stop by our booth D18A and test out 3DPrinterOS!

A premium end-to-end platform for managing files, machines and users across your business

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