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How To: Adding your first 3D printer - 3DPrinterOS

Start your 3D printing journey with 3DPrinteros! Learn how to add your first printer.
How To: Adding your first 3D printer - 3DPrinterOS
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If you are having trouble adding your first printer with 3DPrinterOS, keep calm and follow these simple step by step instructions on how to get started.

Step #1When you get to you should see a download link pop up when you first sign up. If you don't click to download the latest software at this screen don't worry, you can always navigate to the printers tab and download it from there.[caption id="attachment_996" align="aligncenter" width="891"]


After the first time you log into 3DPrinterOS you will see a dialog box prompting you to Download the latest version of the 3DPrinterOS software. If you miss this, you can always navigate to the Printers tab and download the software from there.[/caption]Step #2Once you have downloaded the latest cloud client on your Mac or PC, simply run the 3DPrinterOS application on your computer. This should prompt you to enter your administrator password on your Mac or right click and "Run as administrator" for Windows. A dialog box should then open in your browser prompting you to log in to your account with 3DPrinterOS.[caption id="attachment_989" align="aligncenter" width="891"]

After you open the 3DPrinterOS application on your computer you will see a this dialog box open in your browser. Here you will enter you user name and password for 3DPrinterOS

After you open the 3DPrinterOS application on your computer you will see a this dialog box open in your browser. Here you will enter you user name and password for 3DPrinterOS[/caption]Step #3At this point, if your printer is turned on and plugged into your computer via USB it should automatically connect your printer to the cloud and recognize the printer type. If your printer is not recognized at this step, try doing a power cycle to your printer.[caption id="attachment_990" align="aligncenter" width="890"]

This dialog box should pop up after you sign in and your specific printer should be recognized.

This dialog box should pop up after you sign in and your specific printer should be recognized.[/caption]If for some reason your printer is still not recognized, try restarting the 3DPrinterOS and cycling power once again on your printer. If you are still unable to connect, call me! I am available most any time and you can reach me directly via Skype at Learn3Dnyc. I'd be happy to help you through the setup process and get your printer online.Happy Printing,Charles

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