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Manual control for your 3D Printer - Joystick + Console Apps

Gain manual control over your 3D printer with joystick console apps for precision printing.
Manual control for your 3D Printer - Joystick + Console Apps
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We've recently added both the Joystick and Calibrate apps into 3DPrinterOS so users have even more control over their 3D Printers. This should let users who in the past needed Pronterface to load / unload filament or calibrate their printers to manage all of these tasks right from 3DPrinterOS.You can find them under applications in the "Printers" tab of your account.See the screenshot below:[caption id="attachment_1290" align="aligncenter" width="800"]

Manual Control options for your 3D Printer

Manual Control options for your 3D Printer[/caption]

Use this walkthrough video as well to learn about these features and how to use them!

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