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PrintParts and 3D Control Systems Partner to Introduce True End-to-End Part Traceability

PrintParts and 3D Control Systems announced a development partnership agreement. The partnership will focus on integrating PrintParts’ SmartParts authentication and traceability solution with 3D Control Systems’ advanced manufacturing workflow software.
PrintParts and 3D Control Systems Partner to Introduce True End-to-End Part Traceability
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New York City, NY – November 1, 2021 – PrintParts Inc., a New York City-based additive manufacturing service and technology provider, and 3D Control Systems, a  complete end-to-end software platform that connects, integrates and automates your entire Advanced Manufacturing Process announced a development partnership agreement.

The partnership will focus on integrating PrintParts’ SmartParts authentication and traceability solution with 3D Control Systems’ advanced manufacturing workflow software.

The SmartParts integrated solution combines software, hardware, and materials to connect manufacturing data to additive parts to make each part scannable and cloud connected. 3D Control Systems is an end-to-end platform for managing 3D files, machines, and users across advanced additive manufacturing workflows. 

By partnering together, the Companies aim to develop integration pathways between the 3D Control Systems software platform and the SmartParts solution to help end-users further enable their traceability efforts and extend the functionality of Digital Twin data by connecting manufacturing data directly to physical parts. 

“We saw the need for traceability within additive as it continues to prove beneficial for production purposes, and additive MES companies such as 3D Control Systems are already providing end-users with the visibility and control they need to scale into production applications,” says Robert Haleluk, Founder & CEO of PrintParts. “By working together to develop integrations we hope to introduce a new level of traceability that the industry is craving.” 

“At 3D Control Systems, we aim to lead in the world of 3D printing and Advanced Manufacturing with our data-driven, secure, automated software solutions. Our vision is to revolutionize and scale the process of Advanced Manufacturing deploying One Click Manufacturing for Anyone, Anywhere, at Anytime," says Michelle Bockman, CEO and  Co-Founder of 3D Control Systems. With this partnership we expect to deliver more than an integration between companies, we start a new path in AM history with a real solution helping real people.

About 3D Control Systems

3D Control Systems is the parent company of 3DPrinterOS, which revolutionized the desktop 3D Printing industry with their Operating System platform introducing “one click” manufacturing. 3D Control Systems has now launched ZAP, an automated, workflow platform purpose-built for advanced manufacturing, helping customers drive efficiencies and simplification. 

Michelle Bockman
Enterprise Go-To-Market Leadership | Profit and Loss Growth Strategist | Advisor | Angel Investor
Advisor 3D Control Systems
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