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Upcoming class in New York on 3D Printing

Don't miss our upcoming 3D Printing class in New York! Learn, create, and innovate with us. Register now for an exciting learning experience.
Upcoming class in New York on 3D Printing
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This Sunday we will be hosting "3D Printing 101" at the Brooklyn Public Library at 10 Grand Army Plaza, in Brooklyn New York from 2-4 pm EST. In this free class we will cover what is 3D Printing and how it works, and how to take an idea and turn it into a physical object.[caption id="attachment_817" align="aligncenter" width="600"]

3DPrinterOS - Charles Driza

Ask questions and learn how 3d printing works in-person[/caption]

If you attend this class you should expect to get to touch and see different types of 3D Printed objects, learn how 3D Printing works on an Ultimaker 2, discover the amazing things happening in the world of 3D Printing today, ask one and one questions with our instructors and try 3D Printing for the first time through 3DPrinterOS!This event is first come, first serve and typically we reach full capacity within a few moments of starting so if you are planning on attending please come early.[caption id="attachment_816" align="aligncenter" width="600"]

Ultimaker - 3DPrinterOS - New York 3D Printing

Get started 3D Printing this Sunday in Brooklyn, NY[/caption]

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