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Wishing you Happy & Healthy Holidays from the 3D Control Systems team

But before we say goodbye to 2021, we invite you to revisit some of 3D Control Systems 2021 initiatives:
Wishing you Happy & Healthy Holidays from the 3D Control Systems team
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"Wishing you a Christmas that's merry and bright!"

"We hope you have a safe and relaxing holiday season,
no matter where you are in the world!

​In the new year, we look forward to bringing you more!

Stay safe! 

But before we say goodbye to 2021, we invite you to revisit some of 3D Control Systems 2021 initiatives:

  1. 3D Control Systems launches ZAP
  2. 3D Control Systems and HP working together
  3. OctoPrint and 3DPrinterOS Partner Up To Ease 3D Printer Integration
  4. What is the Factory of the Future?
  5. Are Megatrends Predictions a Reality Post Pandemic?
  6. 3D Control Systems Introducing New UI for 3DPrinterOS Platform
  7. 3D PrinterOS: the best management software for Fab-Labs & Maker spaces, says Duke University
  8. Bockman’s Bites on Lean Six Sigma in Additive Manufacturing
  9. PrintParts and 3D Control Systems Partner to Introduce True End-to-End Part Traceability
  10. New Branding for 3D Control Systems

Happy new year,
See you in 2022.

John Dogru
CEO, Chief Architect, Co-Founder
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