Elon University - Can you create an innovation culture at a makerspace?

It is no exaggeration to say that the Maker Hub is the birthplace of innovation at Elon University.
It has a rich legacy of experiential learning.

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About The Maker Hub

Spanning two locations, The Maker Hub at Elon University provides free access to making, to all students and staff at Elon University. A full complement of creative resources is available, including sewing machines, laser engravers, a CNC router, saws, drills, and 3D printers.

Can you Create a Culture of Innovation in a Makerspace?

From a mobile cart in 2014, the Maker Hub grew into its own space in 2015, with sewing machines, an embroidery machine, and a total of four 3D printers. It now spans two locations, and features power saws, hand tools, a drill press and a CNC router, laser cutters, and 12 Ultimaker 3D printers. Students across all disciplines take advantage of the Maker Hub, which is free and open to all students and staff.

3D printing project displayed

Campus-Wide Opportunities

Students at Elon University have a great opportunity to practice 21st-century skills like creativity, collaboration, and digital fabrication at their makerspace. Students from all majors can explore ideas and create unique projects for coursework, research, and fun.

With guidance from peers, students can access tools to iterate on their prototypes and practice ideation techniques. The makerspace creates an immersive learning environment for all students, whether they’re exploring an idea or interested in eventually building businesses of their own.

Dan Reis

Dan Reis

Senior Instructional Technologist The Maker Hub, Elon University

Dan brought a wealth of multimedia design experience with him when he joined Elon University in 2012, which has proved valuable in digital fabrication since. As Senior Instructional Technologist, he helps faculty and students to master any technology they need to meet their course objectives.

By the Numbers

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Track & Field Meet Innovation at the Maker Hub

One student who stands out head and shoulders above others is Madison George, a track and field athlete at Elon University.

Madison is breaking barriers and setting a new standard in collegiate athletics. As part of the university pole vaulting team, she discovered that there is no pole vaulting shoes designed specifically for female athletes - they are instead distributed as "unisex." Madison is challenging the lack of gender equality in the world of track and field by developing a line of women's pole vaulting shoes, using 3D printing as one of her tools. An engineering major with a biomedical concentration, Madison has now further distinguished herself from over 5,00 students studying mathematics, science, and engineering, by being named a Goldwater Scholar for 2022.
The Goldwater Scholarship is a highly competitive award that recognizes excellence in STEM fields, and rewards students who are committed to advancing the sciences. According to her bio on the Goldwater Scholarship page, "My career goal is to become the Director of Women’s Research at Nike. I strive to oversee and apply biomedical engineering research to optimize performance and prevent injury of women athletes."

3DPrinterOS A Connected Eco-System

And in the background, 3DPrinterOS connects 3D printers, files and users. Admins have a complete line of sight into who is printing what, and on which machine. Every part of the 3D printing process can be tracked, monitored and audited with the reporting tools, contributing behind-the-scenes to an effective makerspace.

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